The shorts will check in your wardrobe this summer

How to wear shorts this summer


The shorts will check in your wardrobe this summer

How to wear shorts this summer

The hottest season of the year is finally showing up here and with it several pieces that were kept in the closet for a long time and are now essential to compose the summer look.

Women's shorts are one of those pieces… It's not as popular as shorts in our universe, but it has always been present in some women's wardrobes. When it comes to shorts, a long piece that goes between shorts and pants, so even with a well-behaved, comfy, sometimes sporty and practical vibe, it still has its charm and elegance.

We can say that, while in men's wardrobe it is essential, in women's it is another item of clothing that comes to expand our possibilities of looks. But, it is undeniable that it is a very versatile type of clothing that never goes out of style, although there are seasons of greater or lesser adhesion.

And let's face it, it's been a while since shorts have figured among the most hype pieces in women's closets. And the big advantage is that it goes easily from work to a more formal event, everything will depend on the model, fabric and accessories chosen.

What's more, models, colors, prints abound, and you're sure to find one that fits your style and wardrobe. The shorts allow for the most diverse combinations, when it comes to shoes. So, you can relax because it looks good from flip flops to high heels, that is, whatever you want to wear won't be wrong.

So, when you're looking for a more tidy, formal look, a special event, even an office look, opt for tailoring shorts, shirt, blazer, pumps, boots, block-heeled sandals, for example.

Linen shorts are super hot and that's because the fabric, in addition to ensuring a more chic effect on the outfit, is super light, in other words, a comfy and sophisticated production without any effort and in the right measure.

Did you think biker shorts would be out of this one? It is more than possible to invest in cyclist-style shorts in a more elegant production. The tip is to change the daddy sneaker sneaker for a trendy sandal and bet on the ample shirt.

Will say, makes you want to have shorts, right? Now tell me, which one is your favorite?

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